
KerryHaters was first to blog on the Christmas-in-Cambodia lie, way back on May 21. Too bad the elite media hadn't cast their net widely enough. They'd have had a scoop long ago.--Hugh Hewitt

Our friends Pat and Kitty at Kerry Haters deserve the blog equivalent of a Pulitzer for their coverage of Kerry's intricate web of lies regarding Vietnam.--Crush Kerry

Sunday, May 15, 2005
Kerry Gets New Honor--Or Does He?

At least, the headline says that:


However, when you read the story, the dedication is a little less clear.

FOO FIGHTERS frontman DAVE GROHL has dedicated a handful of tracks on the band's new album IN YOUR HONOUR to his time spent on the US election campaign trail with defeated Democrat JOHN KERRY.

Doesn't that sound like a typical celebrity? "I'd like to dedicate this next song to my efforts to save the rainforest." Read the rest of the article and it's typical of Kerry's many "fans":

He recalls, "I went out and supported John on his campaign trail, only because George W. Bush was using one of our songs at his rallies."

As we remarked many times on this blog, nobody liked John Kerry. The Democrats ran on hatred of President Bush, not on affection for Lurch.
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