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KerryHaters was first to blog on the Christmas-in-Cambodia lie, way back on May 21. Too bad the elite media hadn't cast their net widely enough. They'd have had a scoop long ago.--Hugh Hewitt
Our friends Pat and Kitty at Kerry Haters deserve the blog equivalent of a Pulitzer for their coverage of Kerry's intricate web of lies regarding Vietnam.--Crush Kerry
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Hats Off to Crush Kerry!
DJ Drummond cites them as one of his (well-deserved) heroes of 2004! Like us, the guys at CK are moving on to bigger and even better things with Ankle-Biting Pundits.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Happy New Year!
Kerry Haters continues to draw 200-300 visitors a day, unlike a certain blog I could name. Now I know why the Kerry Spot is still active on the NRO website.
Thanks to all who made this blog so much fun to write during 2004!
LifeLike Pundits, AWAKE!
It's not yet ready, but please visit the wonderful site created by WebJones (the creators of WizBang!) for the postings of 2005! I have only one post up; kitty, pat and I will be experimenting for the next few days. Anyone who knows MT, please lend us your ear!
Visit the site here. Leave a comment saying you've seen the site and list your comments!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Ramsey Clarke to Defend Saddam
by Al Jazeera
Wednesday 29 December 2004 10:53 AM GMT
[Good friend and Supporter of John Kerry] Former US attorney-general Ramsey Clark is to join Saddam Hussein's defence team, a spokesman for the ousted Iraqi president's lawyers says.
Ziad Khasawna said on Wednesday that Clark, who held the office of attorney-general under US president Lyndon Johnson, had "honoured and inspired" the legal team by agreeing to help defend Saddam.
The former top US justice official, who arrived on Tuesday in Jordan where the defence team is based, has become known as a left-wing lawyer and firm critic of US foreign policy since leaving office.
He visited Saddam in Baghdad in February 2003 just before the US-lead invasion and has also been involved with the defence of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, on trial for war crimes at a UN court in The Hague.
Clark comment
Clark said in the Jordanian capital Amman that his principle concern was protecting the former president's rights, who only saw a lawyer for the first time this month - a year after his capture.
"In international law, anyone accused of crime has the right to be tried by a confident, independent and impartial court, and there can be no fair trail without those qualities," he said.
"The special court in Iraq was created by the Iraqi governing council, which is nothing more than a creation of the US military occupation and has no authority in law as a criminal court," he said.
The Iraq Special Tribunal was established by the US-led administration in Iraq last December to try members of the former government.
Clark also said the US itself must be tried for the November assault on Falluja, destruction of houses, torture in prisons and its role in the deaths of thousands of Iraqis in the war.

Pat Hynes, from Crush(ed)Kerry, is scheduled to appear on Hannity & Colmes tonight at approximately 9:45 to discuss The Passion of the Christ, both from a "red/blue state" political point of view as well as the Oscarworthiness of the film.
Don’t forget to visit his site Passion For Fairness!

Know when to fold 'em
Somebody must order a retreat. But who could that be? Who has the authority, the coolness under pressure, and the smarts to know that it is time to retreat? Above all, who has the courage to dare to do it?
The answer is obvious. The Democratic savior is the presidential hopeful who's already priced at 34 percent to win the Democratic nomination in 2008.
We know that the Democrats need to retreat. But will the future Presidential candidate Rodham Clinton dare to do it?
Here is a letter I just sent to the folks over at the Corner (I wonder if it will get posted).
After calling Americans “stingy” because our government is giving so “little” aid to the tsunami victims, we should remind Jan Egeland at the United Nations that we are a charitable people and give our aid through private organizations. This exemplifies how the world misunderstands us AND charity; governments should not rob people of more money through taxes to give aid!
Jan Egeland can be reached at 212.963.1234 and his direct fax number is 212.963.0116. We should let him know his comments are not appreciated—especially since the UN is doing nothing for Iraq, and last time I checked Saddam murdered over a million people. The people in SE Asia who are weeping because the “sea ate their children” could really use the $23,000,000,000 lost in the Oil-for-Food scam.
I could just spit.
Monday, December 27, 2004
A visit from St. Hillary
Lisa Fabrizio
December 23, 2004
With sincerest apologies to Clement Clark Moore
'Twas the night before Christmas, in 2004,
Not a liberal was stirring, not even Al Gore;
Their prospects were dismal, they pined in despair,
And hoped that St. Hillary soon would appear.
The Democrats waited, subdued by their meds,
While visions of pork barrels danced in their heads.
With election-year worries and woes off my chest,
I’d just settled down for a long four-year rest.
When out on the Beltway arose such a clatter,
I headed for Fox News to check out the chatter;
I reached for my clicker with partisan glee,
But only to gape at a blacked-out TV.
The moon through the window cast light all about
And showed me quite clearly the plug had come out;
Then what did I see on the former dark screen
But the visage of DNC chair Howard Dean.
His voice was soon topped by one louder and shrill,
I winced when I realized it must be St. Hill.
More rapid than eagles her myrmidons came,
When she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
To the Sunday news shows! To the National mall!
Now bash away! Bash away! Bash away all!"
As big bucks before dirty congressmen fly
When they meet with flush lobbyists, eager to buy;
So out to the hustings the liberals they flew,
With a slate full of programs for states colored blue.
And then, in a twinkling, I saw on TV,
As stunning a change as you’re likely to see;
As I reached for the mute key to shut off the sound,
Through my Sony, St. Hillary came with a bound.
She was dressed all in white from her head to her toe,
All except for a pink blouse that set her aglow;
An American flag pin she wore with great pride,
And she looked to my eyes like a blushing new bride.
Her eyes — how they sparkled! Her cheeks were so rosy!
Her little pug nose was turned up like a posy;
Her sweet smiling lips bore no hint of complaint
And her overall bearing was one of restraint.
An old worn-out bible she clutched in her hand
And declared that upon it our nation should stand;
“Straight marriage is sacred, reflecting God’s will,
One man for one woman just like me and Bill.”
She was kindly and sweet, a right jolly old soul,
And she spoke with the drawl of Elizabeth Dole.
A wink of her eye and a gesture of cheer,
Soon gave me a feeling of absolute fear;
She spoke of the heartland with tears in her eyes,
And grand fruited plains and of God’s spacious skies.
When praising Rush Limbaugh and Tammy Wynette,
She caused me to wake from my sleep in a sweat.
My screen was now dark but I was not alone,
St. Hill had a message that chilled to the bone;
With a voice that resembled sharp nails on a slate
She exclaimed, “HAPPY CHRISTMAS! At least till ‘08."