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KerryHaters was first to blog on the Christmas-in-Cambodia lie, way back on May 21. Too bad the elite media hadn't cast their net widely enough. They'd have had a scoop long ago.--Hugh Hewitt
Our friends Pat and Kitty at Kerry Haters deserve the blog equivalent of a Pulitzer for their coverage of Kerry's intricate web of lies regarding Vietnam.--Crush Kerry
My cousin was just on C-Span carping about the disenfranchisement of black voters in this election (about fake recorded messages telling them they could vote by phone and such). I love her, but if such were the case the liberal MSM would have been all over it.
And she failed to mention in her 20 minute speech anything about the bullet holes in GOP headquarters, the poweroutage at the GOP headquarters in Pittsburgh and the slashing of 30 GOP vehicle tires on the day of the election in Wisconsin.
The black rage is so blinding. It might be because I am not of her generation or that of my other family members--but alas, they will forever be stuck in the 60s with Jesse and his afro.

Get fat this holiday season by supporting our troops; let the girls scouts take a more here.

It always comes out in the wash:
The morning after the Feb. 3 primaries, which vaulted Kerry into a virtual-ly insurmountable lead, the candidate was fuming over his missing hairbrush. He and his aides were riding in a van on the way to a Time magazine cover-photo shoot. Nicholson had left the hairbrush behind. "Sir, I don't have it," he said, after rummaging in the bags. "Marvin, f---!" Kerry said. The press secretary, David Wade, offered his brush. "I'm not using Wade's brush," the long-faced senator pouted. "Marvin, f---, it's my Time photo shoot."Thanks, NRO.
Nicholson was having a bad day. Breakfast had been late and rushed and not quite right for the senator. In the van, Kerry was working his cell phone and heard the beep signaling that the phone was running out of juice. "Marvin, charger," he said without turning around. "Sorry, I don't have it," said Nicholson, who was sitting in the rear of the van. Now Kerry turned around. "I'm running this campaign myself," he said, looking at Nicholson and the other aides. "I get myself breakfast. I get myself hairbrushes. I get myself my cell-phone charger. It's pretty amazing." In silent frustration, Nicholson helplessly punched the car seat.
Kerry Met With North Vietnamese Terrorists in Paris?
The Swiftees story in Newsweak is here. It's typical of the way the media have covered the Swiftees in that their charges are dismissed without real discussion.
But get this part:
Kerry's running mate, John Edwards, also wanted to take a swipe at the Swifties. Edwards was hardly an attacker in the Dole (or Cheney) tradition of vice presidential hit men; his whole persona and appeal were based on sunny optimism. But as early as Aug. 5, when the Swifties were just getting traction, Edwards wanted to push back, hard. McCain had just told the Associated Press that the Swift Boat ads were "dishonest and dishonorable... the same kind of deal that was pulled on me." Edwards wanted to begin a speech, "I join with Senator McCain in calling on the president to condemn this dishonest and dishonorable ad." But Kerry headquarters said no. Stephanie Cutter, the boss of the Kerry communications shop, explained that the campaign didn't need to give the Swift Boat vets any more attention than they were already getting.
Edwards played along, but his aides were indignant. They warned the veep candidate that the story was already out of control and about to get worse. Historian Douglas Brinkley, author of a wartime biography of Kerry, cautioned that Kerry's diary included mention of a meeting with some North Vietnamese terrorists in Paris. Edwards was flabbergasted. "Let me get this straight," the senator said. "He met with terrorists? Oh, that's good."
Huh? Anybody heard this story before?
Good News for Liberals
Turns out Kerry won. Greg Palast proves it. You can hold your victory parties now.
Kerry Haters Gets Better Results than Daily Kos
According to Tim Blair, Dkos raised $500,000 to support 15 candidates. All 15 were defeated.
Kerry Haters raised a couple of grand for the Swiftees and John Thune, two of the big winners on Tuesday night. :)
But they're the "reality-based" people?
Kerry's Principled Positions
Polipundit catches another floater in the Newsweak thumbsucker on the campaign.
Grand Confusion
This is what I don't understand:
1. Liberals claim the great disparity in the educational levels of minorities and whites is the greatest ever--blacks and latinos are not being educated in inner city schools and being denied a college education.
2. Everyone that voted for Kerry are smart, college educated people with an expanded intelligence and greater outlook in world affairs because of it.
Yet more minorities voted for Kerry and everyone in the world and on the left is saying people who voted for Bush are idiots and uneducated. So are the minorities all college educated and have a world view only higher education can afford? Or are minorities being educated in horrible conditions and not going to college and voting for Kerry?
Ponder that.
All of us here at Kerry Haters (listen to me speak like I've been here from the start) really enjoy the level of readership. We don't want you to stop visiting the site, so we will continue to post to this site linking to posts on our individual sites. So continue to visit us every day, vent about anything you want as the world is a dynamic place and is changing constantly.
Election Wrap-Up
Jim Geraghty at the Kerry Spot has a good retrospective. I assume he's moving towards finalizing his blog as well.
Anybody else feel like a ten-ton weight has been lifted from his shoulders? Anybody else feel like every muscle had been tensed and clenched for about two months, and a steadily increasing vice-like pressure had been squeezing him, day by day, as the election approached? Just me? Boy, since that last debate, I just wanted the race to end. Just vote and get it over with.
The only thing at stake in this election was the future of Western Civilization. In seemingly every conceivable way, John Kerry was the wrong man to lead this nation in the war we're in right now. His 1971 testimony, his defense-cutting record, his obsession with a "global test," his disturbing pride in the endorsements from unnamed foreign leaders, his naïve belief that the leaders of France and Germany are concerned with American security, his contradictory statements, suggesting he didn't grasp the stakes in Iraq...
But before we modest folks — sitting at our laptops and our computers, just doing what we can in our corner of the world, and enjoying a particular political website — return to the vital world outside politics, let us relish this moment.
Victories like this one — decisive, complete, powerful, and echoing around the globe — don't come along all that often.
And there's plenty of credit to go around. Take a bow. You, me, and about 58,882,918 or so of our closest friends helped set the course of this nation for the next four years.
Amen, Jim!
Here's a Thumbsucker!
Holy smoke, there's six parts to this article on Kerry's crankiness, and that's just one chapter in an eight chapter tome on the entire campaign!
The morning after the Feb. 3 primaries, which vaulted Kerry into a virtually insurmountable lead, the candidate was fuming over his missing hairbrush. He and his aides were riding in a van on the way to a Time magazine cover-photo shoot. Nicholson had left the hairbrush behind. "Sir, I don't have it," he said, after rummaging in the bags. "Marvin, f---!" Kerry said. The press secretary, David Wade, offered his brush. "I'm not using Wade's brush," the long-faced senator pouted. "Marvin, f---, it's my Time photo shoot."
Saturday they're promising a chapter on the Swiftees. One last chance for the mainstream media to bash the heroes of this campaign.
Finger Pointing
It's Alexandra's fault.
But insiders snipe that all she did was rack up major expenses. "She had an entourage of five people with her everywhere she went," one Kerry confidant sniffed to PAGE SIX's Jared Paul Stern. "A hairdresser, makeup artist, publicist and two assistants. It ended up costing something like $8,000 a month. And she didn't exactly do anything."
No, it's Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, whatever he's calling himself these days.
"He was just a nuisance," sneers our Kerry snitch. "The whole thing was a joke. No one outside of New York or L.A. gives a hoot about this guy. All he did was get himself press."
Or it's Teh-RAY-za, or it's Terry McAuliffe, or it's the Clintons!
Maybe it's Michael Moore.
Here, after all, was not simply a film director whose "Fahrenheit 9/11" emitted a vile propagandistic stink, indicating something contemptible in the mindset of its creator, but someone who went trotting about Europe telling the adulatory press that Americans "are possibly the dumbest people on the planet."
Look, if you want to pin this loss on somebody, how about the obvious:

Kerry Supporters Battling Depression
Bonanza for the shrinks:
It's a long way from the Manhattan office of psychoanalyst Sherman Pheiffer to the Cambridge, Mass., practice of psychologist Jaine Darwin. But both are in blue states that voted heavily for John Kerry, and on the day he conceded, they heard plenty of distress about the election.
"My patients were incredulous, depressed, angry, very frightened," Pheiffer said. "Everyone talked about feeling frightened (about) the future of this country."
Some of them are even talking about heading for the Great White North.
"I've been drinking Molson for the last two days to get ready for the big move, eh," said Jeff Simmons, press secretary to the city's Democratic comptroller.
"Anti-depressants are cheaper up there, too."
Unfortunately, the number of Dems who will actually pick up and move is miniscule.
The Message from Ohio
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
"You ever get a feeling about somebody?" Davis asked. "I would listen to him talk and I'd get the feeling he was just saying things he thought people wanted to hear."
These are the folks that the cultural elites consider dumb?
Support the Troops
Our buddy John at My Take On Things is helping out with a worthy cause. If you're in the Fresno area, consider stopping by the event this Saturday. If you're not, you can always mail a check!
Good Opening Line
I like this:
Presidential also-ran John Kerry may have had some top-name celebrity talent on the stump for him in the swing states, but when it came time to hit the voting booth on Tuesday, Ohioians thought Bruce Springsteen was just another Big Fat Obnoxious Boss!
Veterans' Day
Russ Vaughn, a Vietnam vet whose poetry we've spotlighted here several times, updates his famed Veteran's Day poem.
Top Ten Reasons Kerry Lost
From Letterman:
7. The endorsement from Osama Bin Laden didn't exactly help him.
4. Turns out voters think it's hot that Cheney has a lesbian daughter.
A roundup of leftie news:
NOW that John Kerry has lost the election, his French politician cousin can come out of hiding. Kerry's cousin Brice Lalonde, mayor of a French town who once ran for president of France, was shunned by Kerry's family during the election, reports the National Review online. "When Lalonde traveled to support his cousin at the Democratic National Convention in August, many of his relatives were horrified," NR reports. "One part of the family refused to speak French with me and wanted me to hide," Lalonde is quoted as saying. "I really sensed the anti-French feeling during the convention. It was extremely painful." The Kerry clan and Democrat operatives were worried the GOP would use the French connection against Kerry.
BUSH-bashing cartoonist Garry Trudeau is in danger of having his "Doonesbury" comic strip dropped by papers across the country as he gets increasingly partisan. In the Oct. 30 strip, Trudeau had Vice President Dick Cheney say, "Tell him to go [bleep] himself," an echo of the remark he made to Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy in June. Newspaper editors complained that neither Trudeau nor Universal Press Syndicate warned them about the line in advance. Some 20 papers pulled the strip, and some are considering killing "Doonesbury" altogether. "It sparked a conversation about keeping 'Doonesbury' or not," Sam Mittelsteadt of the East Valley Tribune in Scottsdale, Ariz., told the Boston Globe. Last spring, Trudeau sparked an uproar by having his character, B.D., curse after losing a leg in Iraq. UPS warned editors in advance and many papers decided not to run it. Since then, two more strips have caused trouble, one picturing a head on a platter, and another listing all the American casualties in Iraq. Last summer, a consortium of 38 newspapers decided to drop "Doonesbury" because its Republican-bashing generated so many complaints.
DEMOCRATS buoyed by errant exit polls went out to celebrate on Election Night, but ended up drowning their sorrows at somber gatherings, dumbstruck that John Kerry had lost to George W. Bush.
The bash Harvey Weinstein and Georgette Mosbacher threw at The Palm on West 50th Street was supposed to be bipartisan. But since Republicans are as scarce in Manhattan as snail darters, Georgette and her GOP friends were heavily outnumbered by Harvey and his Democratic devotees.
As midnight approached and Ohio was declared a red state, the mood turned funereal. Tina Brown made for the exit with her husband, Sir Harry Evans, saying, "I have to go home and put an ice bag on my head."
Also looking grim were Bianca Jagger, who is described these days as a "human rights activist," voter registration driver Russell Simmons, and Lally Weymouth, whose family controls the Washington Post.
As Barbara Walters, Howard Stringer, Gigi Stone, Teddy Forstmann, Leonard and Alison Stern, and Hearst chairman/CEO Walter Ganzi watched the TV monitors, Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau worked the crowd with his wife, Lucinda Franks, showing that he's still got what it takes at 85 to fend off a challenge from Leslie Crocker Snyder.
The biggest smile in the house was on the face of Giuseppe Cipriani. The restaurateur was with Yvonne Scio, the gorgeous Italian actress who was once engaged to Rocco DiSpirito. Cipriani laughed, "She used to go out with a cook."
George Soros, the hedge fund billionaire who spent at least $27 million trying to defeat Bush, threw a party in his Upper East Side apartment where Lauren Hutton, Denise Rich, Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg devoured lamb chops as Kerry crashed and burned. But Soros maintained a stiff upper lip. "He's proud of what he's done," said one guest.
Things were livelier at the Park Avenue maisonette of Bill and Pat Buckley. Republicans Henry and Nancy Kissinger, Oscar and Annette de la Renta and Drue Heinz watched the votes come in.
In L.A., the place to be was David Geffen's mansion, where Nicole Kidman, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, Will Ferrell, Steve Martin and Warren Beatty and Annette Bening came to party, and ended up consoling each other. Sources said Geffen had laid up cases and cases of vintage champagne, and not one bottle was uncorked.
8 Babs Streisand’s BS site has not weighed in on the election results. This is her last update:
Posted on October 26, 2004
No word as yet if the “I’m moving to Such’n’Such if Bush is elected” crowd has skedaddled.

While CrushKerry has its crackerjack art department locked away in seclusion toiling upon the brand spanking-new AnkleBitingPundits logo, they’re still blogging under the CrushKerry name. Don’t assume that just because their initial mission has been accomplished that you should wait for the new’n’improved version. As John Francois Kerry would say, Au Contraire!
OK Everyone, Back To Work The fun will soon be over and the President and GOP will have a historic opportunity. Read about why we think he should ignore the calls for "unity" and move quickly on a very conservative domesic agenda. Our new article, entitled "To Hell With Being a "Unifier" - Move Quickly on Conservative Domestic Agenda" can be found HERE.
It's really funny hearing Democrats and left wing losers like John "Crushed" Kerry and members of the mainstream press talk about the need for President Bush to "reach out" to them, and "uniting" the country. Yes, the President gave it lip service in his speech, but he had to do that and we hope he's not serious about it, at least in the way they mean it. We don't operate under such restrictions and niceties. We see no need to make conciliatory gestures towards the losers. None whatsoever. If Election Day taught us anything is that America is a conservative country. Hell, even the New York Times went so far today as to call it a "center-right" country. We wonder how long the editors had to ponder and/or choke on that one.
Score One for the "Writing Partner Who Wishes To Remain Namless" Sorry Pat. As it stands now I was right in my predictions everywhere but in Wisconsin and Hawaii. And, I called every Senate race correctly, except one (AK), including predicting no runoff in LA. And only 1.6% high on the popular vote. A pay raise is in order. Reply from Hynes: Too true. I was a little overly exuberant in my prediction. But the gist of my prediction was correct ... GOP blowout.
Another Number
Comments: 7,240 (!) I remember when it was just Kitty, Gayle, Conservanatrix, Mike G. and I in the comments section. :)
How utterly despondent Kerry’s supporters must be feeling, probably about the same as we felt back in ’92 and again in ’96. Their hopes soared when the now infamous exit polls were released yesterday, only to have them crushed as the actual tallies were reported. This was a nasty election. I don’t mind a fair fight with a worthy opponent. How much more interesting, stimulating even, the election would have been had Kerry just been honest.

The Early Sign Bush Was Going to Win
I should have posted this yesterday. It was part of the reason why I got optimistic before a lot of other people.
Kitty does some more gloating.
Aaron channels Lee Greenwood for his celebratory post.
Another Blog With No Reason To Stick Around
Daschle v Thune, which provided us with many updates for our "Thursdays 'R' for Thune" also seems fated for obsolescence due to its focus. Congratulations to Jon Lauck for a job well done!

Can we get some pundits to give us Bush's cabinet for his next four years? You can rest assured that O'Neill and Clarke will not be in it!
Kerry Haters By The Numbers
Visitors: 237,138
Page Views: 388,771
Posts: 3,368 (as of this post)
Biggest Single Day Traffic: 4425 or so, yesterday
Thanks for your support!
Thank You!
Back in the early days of this blog we talked about this day with great anticipation. We imagined the blog coming to an end and that we'd put those two simple words up above, close the doors and that would be the end of it. Unlike all those Academy Award winners, we wouldn't hang out and start thanking a whole listful of names.
But life doesn't work that way. We have a lot of people to thank. First, obviously, we want to thank the American people, who returned George W. Bush to the White House with a mandate to govern. We also want to thank the supporters of this blog:
1. Our readers. This means you! Without the sitemeter twirling, it can get discouraging to blog. I can remember what it was like back in March when we were hoping for 50 visitors in a day, and what it's like now to see 500 people have been here before I got up for breakfast.
2. Our commenters and emailers. We've had so many great commenters and emailers and I hesitate to name names for fear of forgetting somebody. Many, many of you have contributed in a large way to the blog by giving us tips, links to great articles and your opinions and suggestions for the blog, even those who were on the other side.
3. The members of the Legion of Kerry Haters. Lots of great people over there, but special mention must be made about the contributions of Crush Kerry. Patrick Hynes and his Mystery Partner, soon to be reincarnated as the Ankle-Biting Pundits, were supportive of this blog throughout the year, and were responsible in large part for our being accepted in polite society despite our politically incorrect name.
The Swift Boat Veterans, obviously, are the MVPs of the anti-Kerry effort. One thing that I will carry from this election is incredibly increased respect for Vietnam Veterans. I realize that I've been sold a pack of lies, through the efforts of the media. When you see folks like Bud Day, Paul Galanti, John O'Neill and Larry Thurlow, you realize that these guys are old-fashioned heroes, Supermen without a cape.
Many thanks to Chris at Kerry Waffles, who really put an amazing amount of work and money into his site, and provided us with countless hours of amusement. And thanks to all the other members of the Legion, especially My Take on Things, and the Kerry Lied people. Jim Geraghty at the Kerry Spot did yeoman's work on his NRO blog.
4. Our fellow bloggers. We never got the mythical Instalink, but we did get linked by many of the big blogs, including Hugh Hewitt, Captain's Quarters, Just One Minute, Polipundit, Betsy's Page, David Limbaugh, Right Wing News and Roger L. Simon. And not to make this just about the big blogs, thanks to all who linked to us at anytime. I'd like to think that we made this a community of blogs all working towards one goal. Thanks especially to folks like Lorie, Joel, Roberto, Wild Bill, Cadet Happy, Chicago Ray, Michael Gallaugher and many, many, more.
5. The media who covered Kerry Haters. Hugh Hewitt of course led the way by mentioning us on his show at least a dozen times. World Net Daily had a couple articles which mentioned us, as did the Weekly Standard.
6. My co-bloggers. Aaron has been a tremendous addition to the KH team in the last month or so, with lots of amusing and intelligent posts. As for Kitty, what more can I say? Best. Co-blogger. Ever. She lifted my spirits when I was down, she shamelessly plugged Kerry Haters whenever she could, she made many, many great posts. I couldn't have kept it going without you, Kit!
For now, we will continue to post occasionally here as circumstances warrant. There are still some outstanding stories, such as the dishonorable discharge story, which our buddy Bill, the Small Town Veteran has vowed to keep following. But I will be doing the bulk of my blogging over at Brainster's, just as Kitty will be posting to Kitty Litter and Aaron to Something to Cry About.
W Stands for Winner
I mentioned earlier that I might have cried if Bush lost...but I did just now as he gave his acceptance speech.
I want to thank Pat and Kitty for allowing me to share in posting to the amazing site; they are my bloggosphere family. They worked so hard to get the message out, get the vote out and I believe this site had a measurable impact on this election.
And, inspite of this blog's title, Bush won because we love him and prayed for him--not because we hate Kerry.
Be Nice to Your Democrat Friends
We can gloat online all we want. But when you're talking to your friends, be conciliatory. President Bush won this election, and with a reasonable mandate to govern. But we do have to start healing the wounds. I'm not talking about the DU, Bush is Hitler crowd; there's nothing we can do to make those people calm down. But there are plenty of moderates who voted for Kerry; he didn't get 54 million votes from the Moo-On crowd.
Our buddy Bill, the Small Town Veteran does some fun gloating here.
I am watching the severe depression of the liberal pundits (and news reporters) on television and I have to ask myself, "would I have cried if Bush lost."
I think for a brief moment in the shower I might have.
I'm Not Going to Gloat, I'm Not Going to Gloat
The heck I'm not! Here's a link to an article on how the laughter turned to tears at Kerry Central.
As President George Bush edged closer to the 270 electoral votes necessary to secure re-election, supporters of Democratic nominee John Kerry openly wept and consoled each other at the Election Night celebration in Boston's Copley Square.
Some Kerry supporters called Bush's platform "all lies" and heckled a group of College Republicans who were passing through the crowd.
A distraught woman confronted Democratic U.S. Rep. Harold Ford in the lobby of the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel and screamed, "Can you tell me why everybody made a mistake?" Ford responded, "Let me talk to the candidate before I make a comment. It's been a long day."
Another woman standing near Ford began to openly weep at the prospect of a Kerry loss.
Tugs at your heartstrings doesn't it?

You better believe I'm gloating! After all the bile & slime and outright vicious lies the left threw into this election, Bush won BIG! The Republican Party won BIG! That obstructionist Daschle is OUT! YEE-HAW!!!
Here's my victory song!
Update: My horoscope tells me to cool it, but
I'm STILL going to gloat!
I am an ARIES:
The most important thing today is that you let others know that whatever bad blood there may have been between you in the past, it is over and done with as far as you are concerned. It may annoy you that you always seem to be the one to make the first move, but on this occasion at least it will be worth the effort.
Bush is a CANCER:
You will be so highly motivated today that you attack difficult tasks with the kind of energy and enthusiasm that makes success a foregone conclusion. Be aware, however, that not everyone shares your passion for certain topics, nor is there any reason they should. It takes all sorts to make a world - that's why it is such an interesting place.
It is not like you to let your fears hold you back, but for some strange reason you are reluctant to take the kind of risk that at most other times you would not even think about. Maybe, on this occasion, you recognize that discretion could be the better part of valor. Maybe, on this occasion, you are right to hold back.

Before our buddies at CrushKerry become our buddies at AnkleBitingPundits, they offer a bit of advice to Kerry. Kerry show some dignity in losing? HA HA HA !!!!
Kerry Has One Last Chance to Serve Honorably
At 2:30 AM an unexpected voice blared a message over the loud speaker to the Democrats gathered to celebrate the election of John Francois Kerry. “Thank you for coming. Good night,” it said. Befuddled Democrats looked at one another in bewilderment and slowly began to shuffle home. Then, the lights went out.
And thus the Kerry campaign for president ended with about as much class and dignity as it began and was conducted.
This is just the beginning of the scrutiny which will be given to these polls and the MSM complicity for Kerry. I say, BRING IT ON!!
[T]hese exit polls were wrong. And the fact that they were so totally, disastrously wrong is a national scandal. There should be a national investigation to unearth the story behind the bias.
In this election, we have seen CBS go with a story on Bush's National Guard service based on forged documents. We have seen the New York Times and CBS report 377 missing tons of explosives that were not missing, not that many tons and confiscated by American troops. And now we have seen exit polls that were wrong, quite possibly deliberately biased.

Before the confetti is swept away and KerryHaters blogs its very last word, Pat, Aaron and Kitty would like to extend our heart-felt gratitude to that most courageous group of men, the Swift vets. It is, without a doubt, the sheer courage and determination of these brave men who helped to turn this election. Kerry doesn't have even 1% of their courage, their class or their sense of honor and duty. He tried to strip these honorable men of their honor in the most savage way, as he lied and fabricated stories for his own political viability (where have we heard that expression before?). We here at KerryHaters salute the Swift vets. Know that you are revered for the true heroes you are, not only for your service in Vietnam, but for your undaunting persuit of the truth more than thirty years later.

Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate, knocking off Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle in a grim night for Democrats. The GOP also extended its decade-long hold on the House for another two years, knocking off four veteran Texas Democrats.
As for Bush, declaring victory is nothing more than a weapon in political warfare. It has no bearing on who will serve as president a minute past noon Jan. 20, 2005, but the White House hopes the tactic will undercut challenges and create a sense of inevitability about Bush's second term.
All the Dims are now on TV talking about how it's up to Bush to heal the divide and unite this nation....
I want to vomit.
They also say this was not a mandate.
Don't you believe that either! The GOP picked up 4 seats in the senate; Daschle is NO MORE and Bush won more than 50% of the vote for the first time in 16 years.
While the networks are saying it's too close to call...Thune has come out and sounded the resounding THUD to the democrats and their politics of obstruction and hate. God Bless Thune (that EXTREMELY handsome man).
It was worth every moment slaving away at this computer, creating my own blog, then being blessed with mentors like Pat and Kitty allowing me to post on this site.
John F. Kerry said that we needed him to be respected in the world. That was the biggest lie he ever told. The only thing the world needs to see is the American people supporting the president.
Those summits Kerry promised WILL happen, but the world will understand we mean business--not more UN shenanigans.
And might I say:
Michael Moore, George Soros, Al Gore, Jaques Chirac and Kofi Annan can kiss my black a$$!
The Story of the Turnout
Obviously Karl Rove released the early polls to make sure that Republicans came out in force, because I note that Red States came out in force this year--looks like about a 16% increase in Red States, 8% in Blue.
I gotta hit the hay! What a night!
We Will Be Here Tomorrow
What an amazing day! We had to sweat it, but we are looking very, very good!
I am going to relax and stretch out in my bed for a few minutes...but I feel comfortable with a Bush win. What I want t see if tomorrow were Christmas?
Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico and Hawaii for Bush. Will update later.
Global monitors find faults...
OH MY! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! Read the article and tell the UN to kiss our a$$.
Bush still up 260,000 in Florida with Dade Mostly Counted
The fat lady is moving towards the front of the stage!
My Babies' Daddy
What a wonderful way to turn the election of this nation's sixth Black Senator into a rap song! His wife is an idiot for introducing her husband as: her babies' daddy.
Bush Already Up on Vote Total for 2000 in Florida!
2.968 million today so far compared to 2.912 million in 2000. Kerry still 200,000 below Gore's total. Still no Dade results.
Ohio, Bush up 80,000 with 26% Reporting
Blogger won't let me do much with formatting right now, but it's looking good!
We're Gonna Win!
I smell it completely. If it hadn't been for the bogus poll results we would have known it. But it looks very good.
Wham, The Upright of the L Appears on the Map
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas all for the President, with Wyoming thrown in for kicks. Rhode Island for Kerry. CNN says Bush 155, Kerry 112, I've got 156-112 Bush. Tradesports is up to 43.9!
Bush Starting to Rally at Trade Sports
Up to 40% again after being in the high 20s most of the afternoon here.

If you are preparing for a long night and/or celebration, I'd like to advise our Kerry Haters on what I would advise as good spirits:

1. Wild Turkey 101
2. Remy Martin VSOP
3. Grey Goose
4. Talisker

1. Heineken
2. Corona
3. Tecate
4. Rolling Rock
Is Bush Pulling Away in Florida?
Up 350,000 votes with 32% reporting! Caution: Dade County not reporting.
Could New Jersey Be the Florida of 2004?
Already projected by CNN for John Kerry before any vote totals were announced. It's early, with only 4% of precincts reporting, but Bush has 44 more votes than Kerry right now.
Bush Looking Strong in Florida
Up 190,000 with 24% of the precincts reporting. Turnout is WAY up, looks like it could be up 35%, but remember, that's in precincts Bush is winning.
With 16% of precincts reporting, Indiana is projected to total 2.28 million votes, only up about 3% over 2000. Indiana is safe Red.
Turnout Look--Virginia
Looks like VA will be up about 4%. Don't know why CNN is holding back on calling this one; they've got Bush up 57-43 so far with 27% reporting.
Judge blocks Democratic Party from 'further intimidation'
By Robert Perez
Sentinel Staff Writer
November 2, 2004, 1:02 PM EST
SANFORD -- A Seminole County Circuit Court judge issued an injunction today blocking the Democratic Party from "further intimidation" of Republican poll watchers who may challenge voters' rights to cast a ballot.
The injunction stems from a letter sent to Republican poll watchers by the National Democratic Committee telling them that challenges not based on personal knowledge violate state law and that they could be subject to criminal prosecution.
Seminole Circuit Judge Nancy Alley ruled that the letter was misleading and did have a chilling effect on poll watchers, who could fear criminal prosecution for simply doing their jobs at the polls...
First Look at Turnout--Kentucky
Bush & Kerry combined had 840,000 votes with 45% of precincts reporting. That projects to an astounding 1.8 million voters in total for KY, compared to 1.54 million in 2000, of whom 1.51 million voted for the two major party candidates. So far the voting seems to be tracking 2000's results by a pretty close margin--both sides appear to be getting out the vote.
Market Indicators Moving South?--Updated
I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the sports books are now favoring Kerry to win.
Update: Commenter Chispa noted some oddities in the Trade Sports betting with very low volume in the Kerry contracts overall. Total volume in the Kerry contracts is only 147,000, while the Bush contracts total 1.2 million.
CNN: Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia to Bush, Vermont to Kerry
No upsets here. Running tally: Bush 34, Kerry 3.
Psy Ops?
Hugh Hewitt is speculating on the radio that Drudge got scammed with the exit poll results. Kathryn J. Lopez was on and noted that earlier today their #s had Kerry up 16 in New Hampshire; the latest numbers say Bush is leading by 7. Neither of those results is possible, which means that we're back to 2002. Remember that? Liddy Dole, Jim Talent, and others were going down to defeat. There's more than one way to steal an election. It didn't work in 2002, make sure it doesn't this year!
I just logged online after several hours away from the online madness. And I won't even turn on the TV until 7:00 when I can tune into FRIENDS reruns. However, if you want some sanity, check out
Posted at 5:35 PM, Pacific
Exit polls are to election nights what food poisoning are to great restaurants. Four years ago they spooked the networks into calling Florida for Gore. Today they almost spooked the blogosphere into calling entire election for Kerry. I think appropriate skepticism has been infused, and that the cool heads at Bush-Cheney got the fire out. But jeez, go back and read a piece I wrote for the WeeklyStandard this year, Black Blog Ops. I think Drudge got worked today --big time.
Just had K-Lo on to discuss this proposition: The blogosphere is as important in 2004 as the networks were in 2000, and the consequences of "bad calls" on the blogosphere this year could be as disastrous as the consequence of the bad call for Florida for Gore in 2000 --draining enthusiasm from GOTV efforts aznd taking Senate seats out of play. I don't know who set Drudge up with that bozo sample, but it will be an interesting question post election. Right now it is still GOTV time, especially in Ohio, PA and the upper midwest. Go call your brother-in-law. Tell him you'll return his hammer if he produces a "I've voted" sticker.
Oh, and read this. Exactly what I am hearing.
If you have not signed up as a Bush Volunteer on his website, you should be ashamed of yourself. But it's not too late! Please register then go here:
They will provide you with a list of 15 people to call and remind them to vote. This is base rallying, this is not vote soliciting. Can't you take 30 minutes and work the phones for the president???
Since today is Election Day (or Freedom Day) I am taking liberties with Pat's wonderful website! I asked long time reader and commenter Gayle to tell us how she feels about John Kerry and why she's voting for George W. Bush. She begins with the husband she lost in Vietnam:
Charlie would have despised John F. Kerry. He was killed during his third tour of duty (I begged him not to go), during the final month of that tour. So basically he had served 3 full years as a Green Beret - quite a contrast to John F. Kerry's 4-1/2 months. He had been wounded once during each of his prior 2 tours. Both wounds required several months of hospitalization and rehabilitation. Still, both of us believed that when your country needs you to serve, you serve.Gayle's fighting in another battleground (Ohio) to win the War on Terror by voting for George W. Bush. She is fighting against the same evil with a different face her husband died fighting so we can vote today. Honor Charlie and GO VOTE!
When John F. Kerry testified before Congress, I was absolutely outraged. I knew a great deal about what that war was like, and while it was a ghastly conflict, the vast majority of our military there were not despicable killers as described in Senator Kerry's testimony. They didn't rape, they didn't kill babies. And so, at that moment, I resolved then that John F. Kerry was a self-serving liar.
I've followed his Senate career with medium interest through the years and I've never ever had any reason to change my mind.When he was nominated to run against President Bush, I was so angry that I paced my apartment for hours! He is wholly unfit for the office, in my view.
I think the most important thing for people to know is that nobody HATES war more than long-term and career military men. They know first-hand the waste of good lives, the destruction and pain that are the result of war. But they also know that, unfortunately, because we are human beings, sometimes war is the only possible answer. And this present situation is one of those times. You cannot reason with a fanatic.
You can't bargain with a fanatic. The only way to keep a fanatic from killing you and yours is to kill him first.
So, while the "global test" approach of John F. Kerry might sound good in theory, it is worse than useless in practice. And that, to me, is an excellent reason to defeat him.
I want to see us take the war to them on THEIR soil, rather than have them attack us on our soil.
So I hope and pray that it is a decisive victory for President Bush. He is a moral man. He is also a man who says what he means and then does what he says he is going to do. He is steadfast and faithful to his oath of office.
I've never met him, but I have met his mother and for that reason alone (my respect and liking for her) I voted for him in 2000. But this year, I stood on line for 1-1/2 hours to vote for HIM because he has EARNED my trust and loyalty.
Thune Reported Up Three
Same problem; the polls are screwy so I wouldn't invest too much belief yet. But it would be highly surprising if Thune wins and Bush loses.
Ignore Poll Reports and VOTE!
Lots of paranoia going on right now. Remember if everybody in the Panhandle of Florida who was headed to the polls in 2000 had voted instead of turning around when they heard the call for Gore, we would have won there easily. Don't listen to the rumors. In 2002, the rumors had Liddy Dole getting beaten handily; she's now a Senator.
I tried my best to scream intimidation or voter disenfranchisement and I didn't even have to wait in line. The touch screens worked flawlessly. The workers were courteous.
There was a dispute about ID's and it was resolved quickly (only voters that registered by mail since HAVA passed needed to produce ID), otherwise you needed to say your name to one person, they would then say your name to the person sitting next to them, then that person would ask for your address.
I was in and out in five minutes.
But I WAS disenfranchised by the commuter train I missed by less than a minute and was forced to wait a whole hour for the next one. Such is life, one big disenfranchisement.
New Jersey Report
Roberto of Dynamo Buzz reports only normal turnout in his Democrat-leaning area.
Feel free to report on your local area in the comments.
I Voted
Just got back. You folks would love it in Arizona; there were ten races on the ballot where the Democrats didn't even bother nominating a candidate. And in at least two of the other races, there is zero chance of a Democratic upset--Sheriff Joe is going to win, as is John McCain. Shadegg, our congressman, drew only a Libertarian opponent.
There was one glitch. Outside the library where the polling place was, there was a sign saying something like PN017-Amber: Polling place has moved to 3601 E. Shea Blvd. However, there were still plenty of those "Vote Aqui" signs, so I went inside and found out that PN017-Amber is just one small district, and the library was still my polling place.
The poll workers said turnout was "good" and "steady"; obviously those are relative terms the meaning of which is hard to decipher. I was tempted to spoil a ballot so I could say "I actually did vote for John Kerry, before I voted against him," but you know we Republicans don't pull stunts like that.
Blogging the 72-Hour Effort
No Oil For Pundits reports on a visit by Zell Miller to the Fort Myers Bush HQ.
Senator Miller ended with a tale he said he first told his Senate colleagues when debating the resolution authorizing invading Iraq. Seems Zell was back home, clearing out some old, disused steps on his property. While breaking up the concrete, he found a nest of copperheads--poisonous snakes:
I didn't take a poll, didn't check with my advisors, I didn't hesitate. I killed those snakes with a unilateral, preemptive strike. One thing for sure--I did not put them to any global test. They were a threat to my family--so I cut their heads off.
Early Voting In Ohio: President up 12,000 votes
Megapundit has the details. I guess Ohio is different from Arizona, where the early voting ballots are counted last.
Bush: 49.87% with 800,950 votes.
Kerry: 49.12% with 788,799 votes
UPDATE: We all know turnout is likely to be higher this year vs. 2000. However, based upon the 2000 voter turnout of 4,705,457, the 1,606,016 that have been counted in Ohio so far represents 34% of the 2000 turnout.
Like I said earlier, this is good news, because the team ahead at any point in the ballgame is more likely to win than the team behind. The question is whether early voting tends to favor Republicans or Democrats. Anecdotally, at least, it helps Democrats. In Arizona, Governor Janet Napolitano lost on election day, but won based on her lead among early voters.

Please, Lord, let this be the last CrushKerry post. We’d much rather read AnkleBitingPundits instead.
Just Passing This Along: I spent the better part of Monday on the phone with Republican Hill staffer after Republican Hill staffer after … well, you get the picture. I was on the phone a lot. The question we all asked each other: “What are you hearing?” The conventional wisdom from the DC GOP kids? House Republicans will be fine, pick up of maybe three in the US Senate, but Bush will lose. (Bear in mind, Hill staffers tend to think everyone is stupid except them, so take it for what it’s worth.) Also, this does not change our picks of a Bush win.
Yet Another Reason to Vote for Bush
A bunch of leftists are promising to leave the country if he's reelected.
But fear at what may happen in the key swing states of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania has led to an escalation in coffee-shop chatter about emigration to Canada, Britain and elsewhere.
''Do you think Great Britain would give us political asylum?'' a woman in Starbucks asked. ''It's just ... I don't think I can stay if Bush wins again.''
Mr. Crawford said it would be a difficult decision to move his nine-year-old son from his elementary school. ''But if I feel he's going to be living in an environment that's not safe for him, then I will do it. First and foremost I'm a dad.''
Gretchen Witte, 35, from Alhambra, east of Los Angeles, who runs her own Internet business, is making plans to move to London, where she previously lived for eight years, should Mr. Bush win.
One More Steyn
Something to fortify yourself with for the day.
John Kerry, with his pining for summits, his aspirational French, his boundless retrospective wisdom after some other fellow's taken the difficult decisions he ducked, his modish embrace of the Viet Cong and the Sandinistas and even Saddam in his Kuwaitswallowing days, is almost a parody Eurograndee.
But America cannot be a Greater Belgium or a Greater Canada or a Greater Spain. The only thing that enables Belgium to be Belgium and Canada to be Canada and Spain to be Spain is that America is America. If everyone in the civilised world's torpid and ineffectual and semi-non-aligned, it's not gonna work. Americans will not choose transnational complacency over national resolve.
Broken glass!

A vote is a vote is a vote, right? Depends ...
Be Afraid
By Shawn Macomber
[N]ote that if Kerry wins the group has no interest in "counting every vote." Instead they suggest gathering instead to "celebrate Bush's involuntary retirement while also setting out a strong statement on the war in Iraq." Clearly, it is not the number of votes that concerns No Stolen Election, but the outcome. Are they interested in voter fraud if it results in a Kerry victory? Nope. These defenders of democracy will be too busy partying in the streets to riot over that.
Left Out in the Cold
By The Prowler
In most Kerry rally sites, fans have been forced to wait up to two hours for their candidate to arrive. Whereas Bush generally arrives on time, Kerry has consistently run late. Given that many of these political rallies require that you show up at least two hours ahead of time, that is a four-hour wait for a fellow many Democrats have little affection for.
In Minnesota several weeks ago, Kerry showed up more than two hours late to an outdoor rally near the Metrodome, and watched as his supporters walked out on him half way through his usual stump speech.
Lack-o-Kerry-mania has been spreading across the country the past few weeks. Word out of Wisconsin -- where Kerry may still eke out a victory thanks to a preponderance of youth voter fraud -- the 80,000 showing for the Bruce Springsteen rally in Madison was largely due to a college crowd and bused-in supporters. Within two hours of the event's conclusion, there was barely a whiff of pro-Kerry sentiment in town.
Please feel free to leave any observations from your trip to the polls in the comments section of this post.
Pay No Attention To News Reports The Race Has Tightened--Updated
According to the Horserace Blog, Bush is at 86.43% confidence level in Ohio and 94.06% confidence level in Florida. You take those two states out of play and Kerry can't win; all the other states he's been campaigning in have been blue states from 2000, and Bush has a pretty good confidence level in some of those: Pennsylvania 70.88%, Wisconsin 99.87% (!), Iowa 96.56% and New Mexico 97.32%.
Update: The numbers shown above are a mathemathical computation based on the recent polling. In Wisconsin, for example, based on the polls, there is a 99.87% chance the President legitimately has the lead, and only an infinitesimal 0.13% chance that the lead shown is the result of randomness. Does that mean Kerry can't win? Unfortunately, no. He could win if there is massive fraud, or if Kerry supporters are more motivated to vote than Bush supporters.
There are two remaining ways Kerry can win this: massive fraud and if we Republicans don't vote. We can only control the second part of the equation.
Vote as if your life depended on it. Because it just might.

Daschle Tries Hail Mary; Requests Ban on Poll-Watchers
Apparently he thinks South Dakota is a banana republic.
Bad news? The judge deciding the case is the lawyer who represented Daschle in his first congressional victory. Hmmm, maybe it is a banana republic.
I am watching MSNBC and I don't by the "youth vote" variable. Why? The youth vote everyone is talking about is based upon one thing: colleges. Think hard: every college voter finds a crisis. I remember in 1996 that there was a "crisis" because Dole had at least 40% of the vote.
Students at Swarthmore College were transfixed! They thought the world was going to end if Clinton wasn't re-elected. The furvor is no different. If you read the opinion pieces of college newspapers, the "end of the world" predictions are the same.
How many people who didn't go to college or who are biding time in community college are going to vote? I predict, not many. Sure, Puffy says VOTE OR DIE, but I remember these same renumerations in 1992, 1996 and 2000 and it all was nothing but MTV Real World Hype.
But does that mean the youth will not vote? Of course not! I am only 27 so I believe I still have a pulse on the younger voter--and it was the CHURCH that encouraged civic minded youth. While in Arizona, the most prolific groups were the Mormans. But that's IT! I am watching McAullife on MSNBC--if he says the youth vote is making the choice for Kerry, you know he loses.
"FRESH START" only works for grocery stores.
What's at Stake in This Election |
by Rush Limbaugh
November 1, 2004 |
Ladies and gentlemen, I have avoided throughout the whole year declaring this the most important election in our history. I mean, we've had crucial elections before during the Civil War, during World Wars. We had numerous crucial elections during the Cold War, and we've had a divided electorate before. This isn't the first time that we have settled national arguments or even a single national argument over several election cycles. Well, that having been said, this time there is one high stakes issue that makes domestic concerns pale in comparison, and that is the growth of international terrorism -- and this is the prelude to getting into the bin Laden tape that came out on Friday.
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But the truth of the matter is, America is the dominant power and economy in the world today. We determine the course of freedom throughout the world, not just here in the United States of America. It is something that has to be fought for on a daily basis. It's something that far too many people take for granted. It is something that far too many people think that can be purchased with appeasement of enemies. You can't purchase peace with appeasement. I heard over the weekend, "You can only rent it for a while," but eventually you're going to have to make the buy. You're going to have to purchase peace. You don't get it because you want it. You don't get it because you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. You don't get peace, you don't continue the lifestyle of freedom and liberty that we in this country too often take for granted simply by wanting it more than the other guy.
You have to back it up and you have to defend it, and to defend it you have to recognize when it's under attack, and recognizing when it's under attack takes courage. Recognizing when we are under attack takes wide open eyes, takes honesty. Because once you admit, once you come to the intellectual decision, not emotional, once you come to the intellectual decision to admit, to understand that our way of life, that our freedom that, our daily existence as we've always known it is under attack, once you come to that conclusion, then there's only one option you have, and that is to defend it. We are under attack. The truth is that we have been under attack for many years by the same type of people who think in the same way fanatic Islamists have been attacking freedom and Americans for over 20 years. ![]() Osama bin Laden cannot launch an attack on the United States of America. Osama bin Laden can only deliver a tape, and on that tape, bin Laden appeals to the very appeasers in this country who would allow him to gain strength by agreeing with what he says and voting for the man who is being quoted by bin Laden. John Kerry, as much as Michael Moore, was quoted by Osama bin Laden in that video that we all saw Friday and over the weekend, and I have eight audio sound bites here that I'm going to get to later in the program to prove this to you. You can say it came out of Fahrenheit 9/11, but so did the Kerry campaign. Michael Moore is not on the ballot; John Kerry is. Osama bin Laden parroting John Kerry in his tape on Friday. We have a unique responsibility to lead the world in confronting and defeating this evil threat. It's not just ourselves that we are defending, and this is despite nations who oppose us. |
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Many of these nations that oppose us do not face the threat that we face. Many of the nations that oppose us are doing so in part to protect their financial ties with terrorist nations. We have never in our history relied on others to defend us. We have never in our history turned over our defense to others, either an institution of nations or a single nation. It is they who come to us. Therefore, it is us who must come to us, or we who must come to us. We must rely on ourselves in this battle. For over three decades, 30 years, terrorist organizations grew wealthy, they grew more deadly. Despite increasingly brazen attacks, American deaths were brushed off, and those years are now being referred to by the Democratic presidential candidate as the nuisance of terrorism that he would like to return to, where for three decades American deaths were brushed off.
Returning to the days of appeasement, trying to meet a "global test" of world opinion, ignoring threats from hostile nations and groups is a deadly mistake we simply can't afford to make. Those are the stakes in this race, but it goes beyond simply ignoring threats from hostile nations and groups. It's gotten to the point now where the Democratic Party is actually echoing the words of a man who happily murdered 3,000 Americans on September ![]() |
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But the point is you haven't heard anybody in the Democratic Party renounce this for three years. For the last nine months, you haven't heard anybody in the Kerry campaign, not one voice, not one reasonable, responsible voice from the Democrat Party reject any of the slanderous, libelous, vicious, totally made-up lies and attacks about George W. Bush, as "the next Hitler," as "worse than Saddam." You know the list of things. They have encouraged this thinking. You might say, "Why?" The acquisition of their power is crucial to them. They care more about that than anything else, and they are in their minds because they have a superior attitude over America. They have an arrogant, condescending attitude to those they live with and live near. They believe that it is their entitlement, that they are born to power. It's their right, and that right has been interrupted since 1994 and it's time for them to get it back. And they, in their minds, are permitted to lie for "the common good," as they define it.
They are allowed to attack and cheat and do whatever because in their minds they are doing it for "the common good" so they are not lying; they're not cheating. They're doing what's for ![]() We have a man who even today, in an AP interview, said something along the lines of, "Well, I'll tell you again what I'm going to do in January. I can't tell you now." John Kerry, on the eve of the election: a man who doesn't want to be pinned down on anything, a man who doesn't want to have to offer a solid position on anything for fear of what that will do to him in the polls. He is free to Monday morning quarterback; he is free to use hindsight. He's taken every decision that has been made and said, "I would have done it different or better or smarter," but never define how. The fact that this race is as close as it is, is what befuddles me when you get right down to it. In the America I thought I knew, John Kerry wouldn't be within 30 points, nor would anybody in the Democratic Party, using their campaign, their rhetoric, their mean-spirited bile. There's no candidate in their party using this campaign and using the allies they've used that would be within 30 points of George W. Bush. It may not be the America I know, so we have to fight for that, as well as our liberty at the same time -- and that's what it takes, folks. You have to fight, even for the people who are wrong. The people are too blind or too uninformed or too uneducated or too ignorant or too whatever to see the threat that faces them because they refuse to take a look at it. That's the job that we all have. That's what you do when you fight for your country: You fight for everybody in it. |